Admission Requirement

Getting Started at GSBI

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For undergraduate programs, successful applicants must hold a diploma from an accredited high school or a passing score on the General Education Development (GED) test. Scores for either the ACT or the SAT are required (contact the Office of Admissions for current minimum scores). GSBI follows an open admissions policy for those who meet its educational requirements. Application decisions are made, according to our non-discrimination policy. Applicants are assessed according to their academic background, moral character, and a religious autobiography. The Admissions Committee carefully reviews an applicant’s records, and after such review makes a recommendation to allow or refuse admittance. The Admissions Committee or Admissions Office may choose to conduct an interview with the applicant. Once the Admissions Committee makes a decision, the applicant will be notified of his or her status, usually within three business days. Approved applications are valid for a year from the date of approval. GSBI reserves the right to refuse admission to any applicants who do not meet our standards and criteria.



All applicants must submit the following information and agreements at the time of application for admission without any exceptions:

  • Student Disclosure Agreement, signed and dated

  • Ethical Values and Standards, signed and dated

  • Philosophy of Education Statement, signed and dated

  • Release and Assignment, signed and dated

  • Religious autobiography, signed and dated




Undergraduate Degree Program Applicants must submit the following:

  • An application form completed in full for the program for which you seek admission

  • Enrollment Agreement

  • Proof of high school graduation or equivalency is required (i.e. a certified copy of high school diploma, transcript or GED certificate)

  • Non-refundable application fee




Transfer Undergraduate Degree Program Applicants must submit the following:

  • An application form completed in full for the program for which you seek admission

  • Enrollment Agreement

  • Proof of high school graduation or equivalency is required (i.e. a certified copy of high school diploma, transcript or GED certificate)

  • Official transcripts from colleges or universities attended

  • Non-refundable application fee