
Applying for Scholarship


A limited number of scholarships are available to students based upon their academic records, attendance records, service to the community and commitment to the welfare of their fellow students and the GSBI community. Granting of scholarships at GSBI is non- discriminatory and is done irrespective of a student's race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion or sexual orientation.  All scholarships are funded by GSBI itself.  Recipients of scholarships are selected from student applicants or upon the recommendation of faculty or administration. The Scholarship Committee is comprised of the President, Director of Academic Affairs, Director of Admissions and Director of Student Affairs.     The decision to grant a scholarship is contingent upon the consensus of all members of the Committee.


Committee considers four factors in making a scholarship award decision:

•      Academic record

•      Attendance record

•      Service to the community

•      Personal attributes or leadership characteristics

 Students who meet the standards given below and who wish to apply for a scholarship may pick up an application from the Office of the Registrar. The completed application, along with a personal letter of recommendation from a GSBI faculty member and an essay written by the applicant, should be handed in to the Office of the Director of Academic Affairs during the normal registration period per semester, who will take the application to the Scholarship Committee. Scholarship recipients will be notified by mail prior to the start of the semester for which they receive the award.

Please note:    GSBI does not award cash scholarships, nor is need or hardship taken into consideration.   All scholarships are merit-based, according to the guidelines given below, and are awarded solely as tuition credits.  Single-semester or single-year scholarships may be reapplied for at the end of the award period, unless otherwise stated in the award letter.     Please note that only a limited number of awards are available, and application for a scholarship does not guarantee an award. There are two scholarships available to those who meet the criteria:

Academic Achievement Scholarship

The recipient must be a full-time student with at least two semesters of academic record at GSBI.. The student's overall GPA must be at least 3.75 out of 4.0.  A recommendation letter from a faculty member is required. The selection and granting of the scholarship are made each semester and the recipients are awarded scholarship check toward their tuition. No cash award is made.

President's Scholarship

The recipient of the President's Scholarship must exhibit extraordinary commitment to leadership in his or her respective community and must demonstrate selfless dedication to the needs of the GSBI community, and to society, nation, and world. The application for this Scholarship must be accompanied by a personal essay and recommendation letter from a member of GSBI faculty or administration.The selection and granting of the Scholarship are made by the Committee with the final determination of the amount of the grant by the President.   Awards may range from a $500.00 per semester tuition credit to full coverage of all costs of education while attending GSBI.

Scholarship Acceptance and Terms

Full-time enrollment (or program equivalency) is required for all Georgia Synergy Business Institute scholarship recipients. Renewable awards are contingent upon maintaining a minimum grade point average, completion of the donor appreciation letter and meeting all other conditions of the renewal criteria as specified.