method of payments

Installment Payment Plan 2021-22

Students may elect to make full payment of tuition due at the time of registration. Any advanced payment will be credited to the student’s account, reducing the amount to be financed through a payment plan.  Any student at GSBI with current charges at the institution may apply for the installment payment plan unless he or she:

•        is enrolling in his or her first term at GSBI  

•        has a prior unsettled balance at GSBI  

•        has a previously-cancelled installment payment contract


What costs can I finance with the plan?

All tuition and fees may be included in the plan. The costs for books, and for other charges, including Installment Fees or Late Registration Fees, cannot be included in the Installment Plan.


What is the cost of the plan?

The plan is interest-free if payments are made on time (see “What if I can’t make payments?” below), but the institute does assess an administrative charge of $60 each semester for the 2-payment plan, including initial payment at the time of registration, and $100 for the 3-payment plan, including initial payment at the time of registration, to offset the additional cost of record keeping and possible billing. This charge is non-refundable. 


How does the plan work?  

The plan will finance your costs per academic term and be payable in equal installments during the given term based on the enrollment date. Any installment plans must be applied for and granted through the GSBI Office of Business Affairs.


How do I apply for the Installment Payment Plan?

Sign and return the application along with your checks for applied installment payments payable to “Georgia Synergy Business Institute” or “GSBI” with clearly-marked desired deposit dates at the time of registration. Your enrollment will not be complete unless the required first payment is received in full, and payment checks must be dated one month apart. 


What if I can’t make payments?

Please contact the Office of Business Affairs if you cannot make your scheduled payment. The institute will assess interest charges at 12% for the amount of each payment that is not credited to GSBI.